Projects designed and created by me.


Flask library mascot. Python language mascot.

Anonymized, simple group voting platform

Simplicity and clean user-flow focused, GroupChoice strives to create an interface to quickly create a voting session, send to others, and make a decision without needing an account or signing up.

Built on top of a Flask / PostgreSQL stack, GroupChoice aims to solve the everyday annoyances that stem from a group not wanting to make a decision. By focusing on a simplistic and easily useable design, GroupChoice can be used by any age group and by any computer literacy level.

App Link | About Write-Up

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NV Energy - Energy Usage Plotter

Python language mascot.

Anonymized, simple group voting platform

Simple way to graph and clean data from NV Energy data dumps. Provides clean alternative to NV Energy's graphs which can be difficult to read and export.

While built for viewing solar power sent back to the grid versus power taken in from the grid for a household, this tool can be used to view any energy usage from NV Energy. After downloading a data dump from a NV Energy , simply specify the file name to the application and the user will recieve a cleaned dataset as a CSV, an image of the plotted data as a graph, and the live graph itself to modify. The application will group the data on the period specified by the user.

GitHub Link | About Write-Up

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